ARM Assembly - Zero to Hero in 22 Days

December 27, 2022


Who Am I? - Akram Ansari (

I have been teaching ARM assembly to university students. This article is adapted from the tutorial material for a Computer Science Course - CPSC355 that I taught in 2022 and is meant to teach the basics of assembly, c and the inner working of a computer application. The article will focus on understanding how a computer program is written and how that program is understood and executed by the processor. We will write assemble for the 64-bit ARMv8 architecture CPU. We will also understand what the binary code of a program written in C looks like. We will run the program in a Linux OS.

The source code for the examples and exercise solutions can be found in the repo :

How to follow?

Try to run the code given as examples and also attempt to solve the exercises. The sessions are meant to be covered in 1 day each and would take a maximum of 30 minutes per session. It also has 6 break days included. Cover the material at the suggested pace to get maximum retention of the concepts.

Session 01: Setup

01.1. Setting up your workspace

01.2. Intro to the linux shell and VIM

  • Basic Shell Commands

    # This is a comment
    # 1. Print Directory Content
    # 2. Enter a Directory
    cd <Directory>
    # 3. Exit The current directory
    cd ..
    # 4. Crate a file
    touch <filename>
    # 5. Edit or create a file using vim
    vim <filename>
    # Clear the screen
    # Make a new directory
    mkdir <directory>
    # Delete a file
    rm <filename>
    # Delete a directory
    rm -r <directory>
  • VIM

    Operating modes in vim editor:

    • Command Mode: By default, command mode is on as soon as the vim editor is started. This command mode helps users to copy, paste, delete, or move text. We should be pressing [Esc] key to go to command mode when we are in other modes.
    • Insert mode: Whenever we try to open vim editor, it will go to command mode by default. To write the contents in the file, we must go to insert mode. Press ‘I’ to go to insert mode. If we want to go back to command mode, press the [Esc] key.

01.3. Compiling Your first C program

  • Compiling a C program
    • Write your C program in a file with the extention .c (Not a requirement).
    • Enter the command to compile your C program into an executable binary
      gcc codefile.c -o outfile.out
    • Run the compiled binary.

01.4. Hello World in C

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    printf("Hello World\n");
    return 0;

01.6. Exercise

Write a C program to convert celcius to fahrenheit

  1. Get the current temperature in fahrenheit from the user
  2. Convert it to celsius
  3. Print the converted temperature

$$ C = \frac{(F - 32) * 5}{9} $$


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    float temp_f, temp_c;
    printf("Enter temperature in fahrenheit: ");
    scanf("%f", &temp_f);
    temp_c = ((temp_f - 32) * 5) / 9;
    printf("Temperature in Celsius: %f\n", temp_c);
    return 0;

Session 02: C for Java Developers

02.1. What's the same? What's different?

  • What's the same?
    • Values, Types (more or less), literals, expressions
    • Variables (more or less)
    • Conditionals: if,switch
    • Iteration: while, for, do-while, but not for-in-collection (“colon” syntax)
    • Call-return (methods in Java, functions in C): parameters/arguments return values
    • Arrays (with one big difference)
    • Primitive and reference types
    • Typecasts
    • Libraries that extend the core language (although the mechanisms differ somewhat)
  • Whats Different
    • No classes or objects
    • Arrays are simpler
    • C-Strings are much more limited
    • No Collections
    • No garbage collection
    • Pointers !! (Memory addresses)

02.2. Data Types

  • Primitive Types

    java C
    int int
    short short
    long long
    float float
    double double
    char char
    byte N/A
    boolean N/A
  • Strings In C, strings are simply arrays of chars. That’s it. The following allocates a string that can hold 32 characters:

    char name[32];

    You can use the string literal syntax to initialize a character array, and if you do, the C compiler is smart enough to figure out the length for itself

    char name[] = "George";

    C-strings are null terminated

02.3. Input and Output

  • printf -

    • Syntax: printf(char * format, ...variable_list)

    • format: A character string composed of zero or more ordinary chracters (not %) and format specifiers (starting with %).

    • variable_list: A list of values to replace in place of format specifiers according to the given format

    • Example:

      int num = 2;
      printf("%d", num);
      float num2 = 3.1415926;
      printf("PI = %f", num2);                 // PI = 3.1415926
      printf("PI (2 decimal places) = %.2f", num2);         // PI (2 decimal places) = 3.14
      char str[] = "Sheldon Cooper";
      printf("Name :: %s", str);                // Name :: Sheldon Cooper
  • scanf -

    • Syntax: scanf(char *format, ...variable_pointers)

    • format: A character string composed of zero or more ordinary chracters (not %) and format specifiers (starting with %).

    • variable_pointers: Memory addresses of variables to store the input

    • Example:

      int num;
      print("Enter a number : ");
      scanf("%d", &num);
      char str[10];
      scanf("%9s", str);
      printf("Entered string : %s", str);
  • getchar -

    • get a byte from standard input stream

    • Example:

      #include <stdio.h>
      int main () {
        char c;
        printf("Enter character: ");
        c = getchar();
        printf("Character entered: ");
  • putchar -

    • put a byte on the standard output stream

    • Example:

      #include <stdio.h>
      int main () {
        char ch;
        for(ch = 'A' ; ch <= 'Z' ; ch++) {

      02.4. String utilities

  • strlen -

    • calculate the length of a string
  • strcpy -

    • copy a string
  • Example:

    char str[] = "Hello World";
    char str2[32];
    printf("String length = %d", strlen(str));
    strcpy(str2, str);
    printf("Copied string : %s", str2);


  1. C for Java Programmers (George Ferguson) -

Session 03: Intro to Assembly & GDB

03.1. Writing and compiling an assembly program

  • Save your assembly code with the file extension .s

  • Compile the .s assembly code file to .o executable binary file.

    gcc code_file.s -o code_file.o -g
    • The -g flag tells gcc to add debug information to the binary executable. Use it when you plan to debug the created binary using gdb.

03.2. ARM Assembly Example

Proram to print hello world 10 times.

# AARCH64 assembly tutorial example 01

        // Tell GCC to use printf function from outside this code
        .extern printf
        .string "x19 = %d Hello World!\n"            // String to send to printf

        // Main function
        .balign 4                        // Align instructions to word
        .global main                    // Make main function visible to outside this code
        stp     x29, x30, [sp, -16]!    // Save FP and LR to stack
        mov     x29, sp                    // Update FP to current SP
        // Initialize loop counter
        mov     x19, #1;                // x19 starts from 1
loop_top:                                // Loop starts here
        cmp     x19, #10                // Compare x19 to 10    loop_end                // If x19 > 10 then goto loop_end

        // Call printf external function
        ldr     x0, =fmt                // First argument is the pointer to format string
        mov     x1, x19                    // Second argument is the integer to replace "%d"
        bl      printf                    // Call printf

        add     x19, x19, #1            // Increment loop counter
        b       loop_top                // Repeat loop
        b       exit                    // Goto Exit (Not needed here)

        // return 0
        mov x0, 0                        // Return value 0 is stored in x0
        ldp x29, x30, [sp], 16            // Restore FP and LR from stack pointer
        ret                                // Go back to the callee

03.3. Debugging using gdb

To open the program in gdb:

gdb my_asm.o

03.4. Useful gdb commands

Full command Abbreviation Description
break temp.c:28 b temp.c:28 Set a breakpoint in the file temp.c at line 28
break flabel_name b label_name Set a breakpoint at the start of the label_name label.
run r Start the program and run until the end of the program/the program crashes/the next breakpoint/the next watchpoint (if the program is already running, this command will tell the program to start from the beginning)
continue c Continue running until the end of the program/the program crashes/the next breakpoint/the next watchpoint
next/nexti n/ni Execute the current command, and move to the next command in the program. The i variant will execute a single instruction instead of a line.
step/stepi s/si Step through the current command, but if this command is a function call, then go to the first line of that function. The i variant will execute a single instruction instead of a line.
print x p x Print the value of the register x.
print/x x p/x x Print the value of the register x in hexadecimal
x addr Inspect memory at address (Prints 32 bytes hex value by default)
x/s addr Print the string starting at addr and ending with a \0
info breakpoints i b Display information about all declared breakpoints
info registers i r List all registers and their values.
info registers x19 i r x19 Print the value of regsiter x19
delete breakpoints delete Delete all breakpoints that have been set
clear label_name Deletes the breakpoint set on label_name
quit q Exit gdb

Session 04: Control Flow in Assembly

04.1. Define and Macros

  • The define statement can create alternate name for registers.
    // This will tell the assembler to replace all x_r to x19
    define(x_r, x19)
  • The commands .macro and .endm allow you to define macros that generate assembly output. For example, this definition specifies a macro sum that puts a sequence of numbers into memory:
        .macro  increment reg
    add    \reg, \reg, 1

04.2. Branch Instruction and Condition Codes

  • Conditional branch statements use the condition falgs to make a decision.
  • These condition flags are set or unset depending on the result of a compare instruction. i.e. cmp


cmp    x19, x20
b.eq    some_label

The cmp instruction compares the values of two registers or a register and a value and the b.eq instruction jumps to some_label if the compared values were equal.

Other branching instructions:

  • b.eq (==)
  • (!=)
  • (>)
  • (<)
  • (>=)
  • b.le (<=)

04.3. Loops

  • do-while loop (post-test loop)

    • Example: C Code:

      long int x;
      x = 1;
      do {
        // Loop body
      } while(x <= 10);

      Equivalent Assembly Code:

        mov    x19, 1
      top:    // Loop Body
        // ...
        add    x19, x19, 1
        cmp    x19, 10
        b.le    top
  • while loop (pre-test loop)

    • Example C Code:
      long int x;
      x = 0;
      while (x<10) {
        // Loop body
      Equivalent Assembly Code
      define(x_r, x19)
        mov    x_r, 0
        b    test
      top:    // Loop Body
        // ...
        add    x_r, x_r, 1
      test:    cmp    x_r, 10    top
        // Loop Finished                

04.4. The if construct

  • Formed by branching over the statement body if the condition is not true. Example:

    if (a > b) {
      c = a+b;
      d = c+5;

    Equivalent Assembly Code:

    define(a_r, x19)
    define(b_r, x19)
    define(c_r, x19)
    define(d_r, x19)
        cmp        a_r, b_r    // test
        b.le    next            // Logical compliment
        add        c_r, a_r, b_r
        add        d_r, c_r, 5
        // Statements after if condition
  • The if-else construct is formed by brnaching to the else part if the condition is not true.

    Example C Code:

    if (a>b) {
      a = a+b;
    } else {
      a = a-b;

    Equivalent Assembly Code:

    define(a_r, x19)
    define(b_r, x20)
        cmp        a_r, b_r
        b.le    else
        add        a_r, a_r, b_r
        b            next
        sub        a_r, a_r, b_r
        // Statements after the if-else construct

Session 05: Revise & Practice

Session 06: Bitwise and Shift Instructions

06.1. Bitwise Instructions

In computer programming, a bitwise operation operates on a binary number at the level of its individual bits. (A bit-by-bit operation)

  • Binary OR, | shorthand

       0101 (decimal 5)
    OR 0011 (decimal 3)
     = 0111 (decimal 7)
  • Binary AND, & shorthand

        0110 (decimal 6)
    AND 1011 (decimal 11)
      = 0010 (decimal 2)
  • Binary NOT, ~ shorthand

    NOT 0111  (decimal 7)
      = 1000  (decimal 8)
  • Binary XOR, ^ shorthand

        0101 (decimal 5)
    XOR 0011 (decimal 3)
      = 0110 (decimal 6)

ARMv8 bitwise commands

  • Or: ORR
  • And: AND
  • Xor: EOR
  • Not: MVN (move and not)


// Load Registers
mov        x19, 0b0101
mov        x20, 0b0011

// Perform bitwise Operations
orr        x0, x19, x20
and        x0, x19, x20
eor        x0, x19, x20
mvn        x0, x19, x20

06.2. Shift Instructions

  • Left Shift
        0101 << 1
      = 1010
  • Right Shift]
        0101 >> 1
      = 0010

Arithmetic Shift Preserves the sign bit (Leftmost bit). i.e. it does not move the leftmost bit

ARMv8 Shift instruction

  • Logical Shift Left: LSL
  • Logical Shift Right: LSR
  • Arithmetic Shift Right: ASR


// Load Registers
mov        x19, 0b0101
mov        x20, 0b0011

// Perform bitwise Operations
lsl        x0, x19, 1
lsr        x0, x19, 1
asr        x0, x19, 1

Session 07, 08: Revise & Practice

Session 09: Stack Memory

09.1. Memory Organisation

Stack and Heap Layout of Embedded Projects – VisualGDB Documentation

  • Global Variables declared outside functions/methods are placed directly after each other starting at the beginning of RAM.
  • Local (automatic) variables declared in functions and methods are stored in the stack.
  • Variables allocated dynamically (vie the malloc() function or the new() operator) are stored in the heap.

09.2. Stack Memory


  1. Frame Pointer (FP/x29) points to the starting address of the current stack frame. It is set once at the beginning of the function and does not change through the function.
  2. Link Register (LR/x30) points to the instruction from where a function was called. It is set when using the bl instruction. It is used to go back to the calling function after return.
  3. Stack Pointer (sp) points to the starting address of the stack which included temporary variables declared during the function. The sp register is decremented as variables are created and it is incremented as local variables go out of scope.

Making a function

  1. Move the stack pointer back to make room for local variables and calling function's FP & LR. [sp, -16]!
  2. Store Calling functions FP & LR at the starting of stack (SP). stp x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
  3. Store the new SP value to current FP. mov x29, sp
  4. Function body ....
  5. Load calling functions FP & LR from the starting of stack (SP) to x29, x30 ldp x29, x30, [sp]
  6. Increment SP to the original position. ldp x29, x30, [sp]
  7. Return

09.3. Local Variables

Local variables are stored in the same manner as calling function's FP and LR are stored.

C Code:

int main() {
    int a=10;
    printf("Value of a = %d \n", a);
    return 0;

Equivalent Assembly Code:

    .string    "Value of a = %d \n"

a_s = 16                            // Start of a
alloc = -(16+4) & -16                // Bytes to alloc (negative number will be added to decrement SP)

    .global main
    .balign 4
    stp        x29, x30, [sp, alloc]!    // Increment SP by -(16+4) & -16
    mov        x29, sp                    // Set current FP to new SP
    // int a = 10;
    mov     w19, 10                    // Store 10 temporarily in w19
    str        w19, [x29, a_s]            // Load 10 at (sp + 16)
    // printf("%d", a);
    ldr        x0, =fmt                // First arg = address of format string
    ldr        w1, [x29, a_s]            // Second arg = value stored at (sp + 16)
    bl        printf                    // Call printf
    mov        x0, 0                    // Set return value 0
    ldp        x29, x30, [sp], -alloc    // Restore Values from (sp) to x29 and (sp+8) to x30. Restore SP

09.4. GDB Inspect Memory (x command)

The x command in GDB is used to view the content of RAM at a specific address. It has 3 modes.

  1. x [Address]
  2. x/[Format] [Address]
  3. x/[Length][Format] [Address]


  1. x/g $sp View the 8 bytes of memory at address stored in stack pointer (Top of stack).
  2. x/10g $sp View 8 bytes of memory 10 times starting from address stored in SP.
  3. x/dw $fp+16 View 4 bytes (w) of memory in decimal (d) at 16 bytes ahead of Frame Pointer ($fp+16)

Session 10: Revise & Practice

Session 11: Stack Memory - Arrays

11.1. Allocating arrays in the stack

What are Arrays?

Arrays are ordered collections of data elements of the same type that are contiguously stored in memory.

Each integer in the array requires four bytes.

Accessing Array Items

To get the address of item in an array from index i. Add the offset of the item to the base address.

Base Address : Address of the first byte of the array.

Offset: (index * item_size) The distance in bytes of the item from the base address.

*Address of arr[i] = Base + (i * item_size)*


  1. Address of Element 0 = Base + (0 * 4) = Base + 0
  2. Address of Element 1 = Base + (1 * 4) = Base + 4
  3. Address of Element 2 = Base + (2 * 4) = Base + 8
  4. Address of Element 3 = Base + (3 * 4) = Base + 12
  5. Address of Element 4 = Base + (4 * 4) = Base + 16

Storing Array in the stack

Arrays are stored like local variables on the stack with a large size.

*Size of the array = Number of items * item_size*

Example C:

#define ARR_ITEMS 10

int main() {
    int var;
    int arr[ARR_ITEMS];
    var = 3456;
    arr[0] = 1234;

Example Assembly:

arr_items = 10
var_size = 4
alloc = -(16 + var_size + arr_items*4) & -16

        .global main
        .balign 4
main:    stp        x29, x30, [sp, alloc]!
        mov        x29, sp
        mov        w19, 3456
        str        w19, [x29, 16]
        mov        w19, 1234
        str        w19, [x29, 20]
exit:    mov        x0, 0
        ldp        x29, x30, [sp], -alloc

11.2. Loading & Storing Array Items

Array items can be loaded and stored in the RAM just like any other variable using the ldr and str instructions.

For getting the address of item we can use the offset = (index * item_size):

define(base_r, x19)
define(index_r, x20)
define(offset_r, x21)

# Calculate Base Address
add        base_r, x29, arr_s

# Caclculate offset using mul
mul        offset_r, index_r, 4
# Or Calculate offset using LSL (efficient)
lsl        offset_r, index_r, 2

# Store w21 to arr[i]
str        w21, [base_r, offset_r]

Note: Shift left by 2 is equivalent to multiplying by 4.

Offset can also be calculated using the "Register with scaled register offset" addressing mode

ldr val_r, [base_r, index_r, LSL 2] ; val_r = *(base_r + (index_r << 2))

For preserving sign in the index_r when shifting left, use the SXTW instead of LSL

ldr val_r, [base_r, index_r, SXTW 2] ; val_r = *(base_r + (index_r << 2))

Optimised Array Addressing:

define(base_r, x19)
define(index_r, x20)

# Calculate Base Address
add        base_r, x29, arr_s

# Storing w21 -> arr[index]
str        w21, [base_r, index_r, SXTW 2]
# Loading w21 <- arr[index]
ldr        w21, [base_r, index_r, SXTW 2]


Write a program in arm assembly to find the maximum item of an array. The array is initialised using the rand function.

C Code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define ARR_ITEMS 10

int main() {
    int arr[ARR_ITEMS];
    int i;
    int max;
    for (i=0; i<ARR_ITEMS; i++) {
        arr[i] = rand() & 0xFF;
    max = arr[0];
    for (i=0; i<ARR_ITEMS; i++) {
        if (arr[i] > max) {
            max = arr[i];
    printf("Maximum item is %d\n", max);
    return 0;

Session 12: Revise & Practice

Session 13: Structures and Subroutines

13.1. Multidimensional Arrays

Most languages use row major order when storing arrays in RAM.

Row Major Order: In row-major layout, the first row of the matrix is placed in contiguous memory, then the second, and so on:

Row major 2D

Offset of (r,c) = (r * NCOLS + c) * ITEM_SIZE

Where NCOLS is the number of columns per row in the matrix. It's easy to see this equation fits the linear layout in the diagram shown above.

int arr[2][3] (Multidimensional array with 2 rows and 3 columns)



int main() {
    int arr[2][3];
    register int i,j;
    arr[i][j] = 13;


define(arr_base_r, x19)
define(offset_r, w20)
define(i_r, w21)
define(j_r, w22)

    rows = 2
    cols = 3
    arr_size = rows * cols * 4
    alloc = -(16 + arr_size) & -16
    arr_s = 16

    stp    x29, x30, [sp, alloc]!
    mov    x29, sp
    add    arr_base_r, x29, arr_s                // Caculate arr base address
    mul    offset_r, i_r, cols                // offset = (i * NCOLS)
    add    offset_r, offset_r, j_r                // offset = (i * NCOLS) + j
    mov    w24, 13                        
    str    w24, [arr_base_r, offset_r, SXTW 2]

13.2. Data Structures

Contains fields of different types. Each field is accessed using an offset from the base address of the struct.


struct rec {
    int a;
    char b;
    short c;

             Base of rec
   |   |   | a | a | a | a | b | c | c |   |   |   
             ^               ^   ^                     
             |               |   |                   
Offsets:     a:0             b:4 c:5           

// Offsets
rec_a = 0
rec_b = 4
rec_c = 5

// Access fields of struct pointed by x19
ldr    w20, [x19, rec_a]
ldsb    w21, [x19, rec_b]
ldrsq    w22, [x19, rec_c]

13.3. Subroutines

Subroutines allow us to repeat a set of instructions using different arguments

Open Subroutine : Code is inserted (duplicated) wherever the subroutine is invoked.

Closed Subroutines : Machine code is not copied, the cpu jumps to the single place where the code is in the RAM and returns back to the calling place once the subroutine is over.

4. Open Subroutines

Open subroutines are usually implemented using a macros (M4).

M4 macros are created using define and arguments are accessed within the macro using $1, $2 ...

Note: Use `' instead of '' or "" to create multiline macros


// Macro to increment a register by 1

define(increment, `
    add    $1, $1, 1

    increment(x19)        // Calling macro
    // Expands to
    add    x19, x19, 1


// Macro to print array of integers

fmt_int32:    .string    "%d \n"

define(print_int32, `
    ldr    x0, =fmt_int32
    mov    w1, $1
    bl    printf


    // Expands to
    ldr    x0, =fmt_int32
    mov    w1, w19
    bl    printf

Session 14: Closed Subroutines

14.1. Closed Subroutines

Closed subroutines do not rely on macros. They are placed outside the main or any other subroutine.

Building a closed subroutine :

label:        stp    x29, x30, [sp, alloc]!
                mov    x29, sp

                // Body of Subroutine

                ldp    x29, x30, [sp], -alloc
  • label: Name of the subroutine. Used with bl instruction
  • alloc: Assembler equate denoting the size in bytes to allocate in the stack frame.

Invoking Closed Subroutine

Closed subrotuines are are invoked using the branch and linking bl instruction (Subroutine Linkage).

                bl    label
  1. The bl instruction stores the return address (PC+4) in link register (x30) and changes the sp to the label.
  2. The CPU then starts execution from the updated program counter (PC)
  3. The ret instruction loads address from LR (x30) back into PC.


void printHello() {
        printf("Hello ");

void printWorld() {
        printf("World \n");

void printMessage() {

int main() {
        return 0;

Equivalent Assembly Code

str_hello:    .string    "Hello "
str_world:    .string    "World \n"

                .global main
                .balign 4

printHello:    stp    x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
                mov    x29, sp

                ldr    x0, =str_hello
                bl    printf
                ldp    x29, x30, [sp], 16

printWorld:    stp    x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
                mov    x29, sp

                ldr    x0, =str_world
                bl    printf
                ldp    x29, x30, [sp], 16

// printMessage Function
printMessage:    stp    x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
                mov    x29, sp

                bl    printHello
                bl    printWorld
                ldp    x29, x30, [sp], 16
// Main function
main:        stp    x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
                mov    x29, sp
                bl    printMessage
                mov    x0, 0
                ldp    x29, x30, [sp], 16

When the first printf is invoked the stack would look like this:

               |                |                           
               |                |                           
 x29 --------> |================|    
           +---| Prev FP        | <---- printf
           |   | -------------- |                           
           |   | Prev LR        |                           
           |   | -------------- |                           
           |   | local vars     |                        
         +-----| Prev FP        | <---- printHello  
         |     | -------------- |                           
         |     | Prev LR        |                           
           +---| Prev FP        | <---- printMessage        
           |   | -------------- |                           
           |   | Prev LR        |                          
         +-----| Prev FP        | <---- main                
         |     | -------------- |                           
         |     | Prev LR        |                           
         |     |================|                             
         +---->|                |                             
               |       .        |                             
               |       .        |                             
               |       .        |                             
               |                |                             

Arguments and Return Values to closed subroutines

  • Arguments are passed using x0-x7 registers
  • Single Return value is stored in x0 register

To pass in parameters to a subroutine, we generally use w0-w7 or x0-x7. It is possible to return multiple values as well by storing the return values in w0-w7 or x0-x7. The reason is simple: there is only one set of registers, and they are considered global. If a subroutine stores values in w0-w7, they will still be available to the calling code once the subroutine returns. Note that this is not true for all registers, and that w0-w7 are specificly used for passing parameters to/from subroutines.

Example: Program to calculate integer exponent using a function

C Code:

#include <stdio.h>

int power(int base, int exp) {
        register int result = 1;
        while(exp > 0) {
                result = result * base;
        return result;

int main() {
        int r;

        r = power(5, 3);

        printf("Result : %d \n", r);
        return 0;

Equivalent Assembly Code in ex2.asm

Pointer Arguments

As we know pointers are just memory address so they will be stored in 64 bit registers (x0-x7) instead of 32 bit registers.

It implies that the variable value is in ram at the address stored in the argument.

Example: Program to swap 2 numbers using pointers passed to functions

C Code:

void swap(int *x, int *y) {
        register int temp;
        temp = *x;
        *x = *y;
        *y = temp;

int main() {
        int a = 5, b = 7;
        printf("a = %d, b = %d", a, b);
        swap(&a, &b);
        printf("a = %d, b = %d", a, b);
        return 0;

Equivalent Assembly Code in ex3.asm

14.2. Exercise

Change Example 2 to take base and exponent from the terminal, using the scanf function

#include <stdio.h>

int power(int base, int exp) {
        register int result = 1;
        while(exp > 0) {
                result = result * base;
        return result;

int main() {
        int b, e, r;
        // Use scanf to get users input
        scanf("%d", &b);
        scanf("%d", &e);
        r = power(b, e);

        printf("Result : %d \n", r);
        return 0;

Session 15: Subroutine arguments and returned values

15.1. Passing/Returning Struct Value

Structs are mostly bigger than 8 bytes. Hence, they cannot be passed/returned in registers (x0-x7).

Returning struct value

  • The calling code allocates, the memory for the returned struct in it's stack and stores the address of the allocated struct in x8.
  • The invoked function then modifies the struct at the memory pointed by x8.

Example: C Code

struct color {
        int r;
        int g;
        int b;

struct color black() {
        struct color newcol;
        newcol.r = 0;
        newcol.g = 0;
        newcol.b = 0;
        return newcol;

int main() {
        struct color col;
        col = black();
        printf("Color( r=%d, g=%d, b=%d )\n", col.r, col.g, col.b)
        return 0;

Equivalent Assembly Code:

str_fmt:.string "Color( r=%d, g=%d, b=%d )\n"

    .global main
    .balign 4

        // Define constants for struct col
        color_size = 12
        color_r_s = 0
        color_g_s = 4
        color_b_s = 8

        define(col_base_r, x21)
        main_alloc = -(16 + color_size) & -16
        col_s = 16
main:    stp    x29, x30, [sp, main_alloc]!
    mov    x29, sp
        // Store address of col in x8
    add     x8, x29, col_s
        bl      black

        add     col_base_r, x29, col_s
        ldr     x0, =str_fmt
        ldr     w1, [col_base_r, color_r_s]
        ldr     w2, [col_base_r, color_g_s]
        ldr     w3, [col_base_r, color_b_s]
        bl      printf
        mov    x0, 0
    ldp    x29, x30, [sp], -main_alloc

define(newcol_base_r, x21)

        black_alloc = -(16 + color_size) & -16
        newcol_s = 16
black:    stp    x29, x30, [sp, black_alloc]!
    mov    x29, sp
        // Calculate local struct base
        add     newcol_base_r, x29, newcol_s
        str     wzr, [newcol_base_r, color_r_s]
        str     wzr, [newcol_base_r, color_g_s]
        str     wzr, [newcol_base_r, color_b_s]

        // Copy local struct to struct at [x8]
        ldr     w19, [newcol_base_r, color_r_s]
        str     w19, [x8, color_r_s]
        ldr     w19, [newcol_base_r, color_g_s]
        str     w19, [x8, color_g_s]
        ldr     w19, [newcol_base_r, color_b_s]
        str     w19, [x8, color_b_s]
        ldp    x29, x30, [sp], -black_alloc

Passing struct value

Passing struct by value is done using the same method as returning struct by value. The address of the local variable to pass is stored in x0-x7. The subroutine then copies the struct to its stack from x0-x7.

Example 2: ex2.c, ex2.asm - Program to lighten color passed as value and return new color

15.2. Passing/Returning Struct Pointer

Passing by value is not very efficient, since the whole struct is copied before passing or returning. But it also makes sure that the original struct is not modified.

But sometimes, we might need to modify the original struct passed to the subroutine or we might neeed to just read the struct. In such cases, we do not need to allocate the struct in the subroutine's stack frame. Instead, we can pass the base address of the struct (pointer) and directly modify the memory at the address passed.

Example 3: ex3.c, ex3.asm - Modify example 2 lighten function to modify the original color passed instead of creating a new color.

Session 16: Revise & Practice

Session 17: External Pointer Arrays

17.1. External Pointers

Pointers are variables which store the address of another variable in memory.


void increment(int *ptr) {
    *ptr = *ptr + 1;

int main() {
    int i = 5;
    int *ptr_i = &i;

    printf("i = %d\n", i);
    printf("i = %d\n", i);

    return 0;

External Pointers are pointers which point to a variable not in the stack memory.

Example: a string literal is defined outside the stack. We just pass the address of the string to printf.


int main() {
        // String literals are not stored in the stack.
        char *msg1 = "Hello ";
        char *msg2 = "World!\n";
        // First argument to printf is a pointer to a string (char *)


msg1:   .string "Hello "
msg2:   .string "World!\n"

        .global main
        .balign 4

        ptr_size = 8
        alloc = -(16 + ptr_size + ptr_size) & -16
        msg1_s = 16
        msg2_s = 24

main:    stp    x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
        mov    x29, sp
        // char *msg1 = "Hello ";
        ldr     x21, =msg1
        str     x21, [x29, msg1_s]

        // char *msg2 = "World!\n";
        ldr     x21, =msg2
        str     x21, [x29, msg2_s]

        // printf(msg1);
        ldr     x0, [x29, msg1_s]
        bl      printf

        // printf(msg2);
        ldr     x0, [x29, msg2_s]
        bl      printf

exit:    mov    x0, 0
        ldp    x29, x30, [sp], 16

17.2. External Pointer Arrays

External Pointer arrays are several pointers (address to variables in external memory) stored sequentially.

Defining external pointer arrays

arr_label:      .dword  ptr1    ptr2    ptr3    ...


str_jan:        .string "January"
str_feb:        .string "February"
str_mar:        .string "March"
str_apr:        .string "April"
str_may:        .string "May"
str_jun:        .string "June"
str_jul:        .string "July"
str_aug:        .string "August"
str_sep:        .string "September"
str_oct:        .string "October"
str_nov:        .string "November"
str_dec:        .string "December"


months:         .dword  str_jan, str_feb, str_mar, str_apr, str_may, str_jun, str_jul, str_aug, str_sep, str_oct, str_nov, str_dec


Accessing value inside external pointer arrays

Values inside external arrays are accessed using the same method as any other array:

address of i-th item = BASE_ADDRESS + INDEX * SIZE

For accessing values inside external pointer arrays SIZE = 8 bytes

address of i-th item = BASE_ADDRESS + INDEX * 8


define(base_r, x20)
define(index_r, x21)

ldr     base_r, =months
ldr     x21, [base_r, index_r, SXTW 3]

Note: We are using SXTW 3 since size of items inside array is 8 (2^3)

Data sections

  1. .text section is read only pre-initialized memory. It stores read only strings and assembly code.
  2. .data section is read-write pre-initialized memory. It stores global variables. Data section should be doubleword aligned.


// Store string literals in .text
str_fmt:        .string "months[%d] = %s\n"

str_jan:        .string "January"
str_feb:        .string "February"
str_mar:        .string "March"
str_apr:        .string "April"
str_may:        .string "May"
str_jun:        .string "June"
str_jul:        .string "July"
str_aug:        .string "August"
str_sep:        .string "September"
str_oct:        .string "October"
str_nov:        .string "November"
str_dec:        .string "December"

// Store global variables (pointer array) in .data section.
                .balign 8
months:         .dword  str_jan, str_feb , str_mar, str_apr, str_may, str_jun, str_jul, str_aug, str_sep, str_oct, str_nov, str_dec

// Store Code in .text section
                .balign 4
                .global main
main:           stp    x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
                mov    x29, sp

                mov     w19, 0
loop_top:       cmp     w19, 12

                // printf("months[%d] = %s\n", w19, months[w19])
                ldr     x0, =str_fmt
                mov     w1, w19
                ldr     x20, =months
                ldr     x2, [x20, w19, SXTW 3]
                bl      printf

                add     w19, w19, 1
                b       loop_top
exit:            mov     x0, 0
                ldp    x29, x30, [sp], 16

Session 18: Global Variables and Linking

18.1. Using .data and .bss section to store global variables

Global Variables

Global variables are variables which

  • have a fixed place in memory
  • they exist throughout the lifetime of the process
  • they can be accessed from any function (globally)

In C, any variable defined outside the functions is a global variable.

Example (c):

#include <stdio.h>

int num = 10;

void printNum1() {
        printf("num1 = %d\n", num);

void printNum2() {
        printf("num2 = %d\n", num);

int main() {

        return 0;

/* Output:
num1 = 10
num2 = 11
num1 = 12
num2 = 13

Static Variables

static variables

  • like global variables, have a fixed (static) place in memory
  • unlike global variables, they are defined and used inside a function only
  • unlike local variables, the value of static variables persists accross multiple calls of the same function.

Example (c):

#include <stdio.h>

void printNum1() {
        static int num = 10;
        printf("num1 = %d\n", num);

void printNum2() {
        static int num = 10;
        printf("num2 = %d\n", num);

int main() {

        return 0;

/* Output : 
num1 = 10
num2 = 10
num1 = 11
num2 = 11

.data and .bss sections

                  +---- +======================+ 
                  :     |                      |               
                  :     |                      |   Read-Only memory
                  :     |       .text          |   Stores Instructions     
                  :     |                      |   Stores String Literals                   
                  :     |                      |                      
                  :     +----------------------+                      
                  :     |                      |     
                  :     |                      |   Read-Write memory
  Global Memory---+     |        .data         |   Stores pre-initialized global variables                   
                  :     |                      |                      
                  :     |                      |                      
                  :     +----------------------+                      
                  :     |                      |                      
                  :     |                      |   Read-Write memory
                  :     |         .bss         |   Stores zero-initialized global variables
                  :     |                      |                      
                  :     |                      |                      
                  +---  +======================+                                              
                        |                      |                      
                        |                      |                      
                        |         HEAP         |                      
                        |                      |                      
                        |                      |                      
                        |                      |                      
                        |                      |                      
                        |         STACK        |                      
                        |                      |                      
                        |                      |                      
  1. .text section are meant to store (constant) string literals and instructions
  2. .data and .bss sections are meant to store global variables
  3. Pre-Initialized Data can be stores in these sections using these pseudo-ops:
    • .dword : Double Word (8 bytes)
    • .word : Word (4 bytes)
    • .hword : Half Word (2 bytes)
    • .byte : byte (1 byte)
  4. Uninitialized space can be allocated using .skip pseudo-op followed by the number of bytes. Use this inside .bss section.


// Pre-Initialized Single Value
var1:   .word   1234

// Pre-Initialized Multiple Values (Array)
arr1:   .word   1, 2, 3, 4

// Uninitialized Space (E.g. for an int - 4 bytes)
var2:   .skip   4

// Uninitialized Space (E.g. for an int array - 4 * 10 bytes)
arr2:   .skip   4 * 10

Example 1 (C):

#include <stdio.h>

int a = 5;
int b;

void printResult() {
        printf("Sum = %d\n", a + b);

int main() {
        b = 10;
        return 0;

/* Output:
Sum = 5
Sum = 15

Example 1 (Assembly) :

str_fmt:    .string    "Sum = %d\n"

a_m:        .word    5

b_m:        .skip    4

                .balign 4

                define(addr_r, x19)
                alloc_printResult = -(16 + 8*3) & -16
printResult:    stp    x29, x30, [sp, alloc_printResult]!
                mov    x29, sp

                // Preserve addr_r, x21, x22
                str    addr_r, [x29, 16 + 8*0]
                str    x21, [x29, 16 + 8]
                str    x22, [x29, 16 + 8*2]
                // Load a
                ldr    addr_r, =a_m
                ldr    w21, [addr_r]

                // Load b
                ldr    addr_r, =b_m
                ldr    w22, [addr_r]

                // Print a+b
                ldr    x0, =str_fmt
                add    w1, w21, w22
                bl    printf

                // Restore addr_r, x21, x22
                ldr    addr_r, [x29, 16 + 8*0]
                ldr    x21, [x29, 16 + 8]
                ldr    x22, [x29, 16 + 8*2]

                mov    x0, 0
                ldp    x29, x30, [sp], -alloc_printResult

                .global main
main:        stp    x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
                mov    x29, sp
                bl    printResult

                mov    w21, 10
                ldr    addr_r, =b_m
                str    w21, [addr_r]
                bl    printResult

                mov    x0, 0
                ldp    x29, x30, [sp], 16

18.2. Separate Compilation

Till now we have written all of our code in one file. We can instead split our code into multiple files.

This allows us to:

  1. Avoid large confusing code files
  2. Put commonly used code in a common code file
  3. Invoke C from assembly and vice-versa

**Build process : **

Build Process

  1. Assembling
    • Each code file is compiled into object files individually.
    • For C files, use the command gcc c_code.c -o c_code.o -c
    • For assembly files, use the command gcc asm_code.s -o asm_code.o -c
  2. Linking
    • All the assembled object files are compiled into a single executable while also linking the required library code.
    • Use the command gcc c_code.o asm_code.o -o exec for linking c_code.o and asm_code.o

Calling assembly code from c

Example 2


        .balign 4
        .global sum     // Make the function visible outside for linking
sum:    add     w0, w0, w1



// Declare the external function without body
extern int sum(int a, int b);

int main() {
        register int a = 10;
        register int b = 50;
        printf("%d + %d = %d\n", a, b, sum(a, b));
        return 0;


# asm_code.asm -> asm_code.o
m4 asm_code.asm > asm_code.s
gcc -c asm_code.s -o asm_code.o

# c_code.c -> c_code.o
gcc -c c_code.c -o c_code.o

# c_code.o, asm_code.o -> build
gcc c_code.o asm_code.o -o build

# Run executable 

Calling C code from assembly

Example 3


#include <stdio.h>

// These are defined in asm_code.asm
extern int a, b;

int swap(int *var1, int *var2) {
        register int t = *var1;
        *var1 = *var2;
        *var2 = t;

void printAB() {
        printf("a = %d, b = %d\n", a, b);


        .global a
        .global b
a:      .word   23
b:      .word   56

        .global main
        .balign 4
main:    stp    x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
        mov    x29, sp

        bl      printAB
        ldr     x0, =a
        ldr     x1, =b
        bl      swap

        bl      printAB
exit:    mov    x0, 0
        ldp    x29, x30, [sp], 16


Create the above executable through separate compilation process

18.3. Using makefile for automating compilation

We can use makefile to automate the build process from inidividual source files to the final executable.

  1. Define the build process in a files named Makefile
  2. Use the make command to run the build process from Makefile

Example 3 : Simple Makefile

        # Create c_code.o
        gcc -c c_code.c -o c_code.o
        # Create asm_code.o
        m4 asm_code.asm > asm_code.s
        gcc -c asm_code.s -o asm_code.o

        # c_code.o + asm_code.o --> build
        gcc c_code.o asm_code.o -o build

Example 4 : Generic makefile

%.s: %.asm
        m4 $< > $@

%.o: %.s
        gcc -c $< -o $@

%.o: %.c
        gcc -c $< -o $@

build:  c_code.o asm_code.o
        gcc $^ -o $@

18.4. Exercise

Crete a makefile to automate the above build process

Session 19: Command Line Arguments

19.1. Command Line Arguments

Command Line Arguments are arguments passed from the OS to a new process.

Passing Arguments through the linux shell

Syntax to pass arguments:

  1. Any number of space separated arguments can be passed to the process.
  2. Each argument is of string (char *) type.
  3. The arguments are separated by a space or tab or any combination of both.


./a.out 1234 random_string 1234abc

Receiving arguments in a program

Arguments passed to the process are available in the form of arguments to the main function.

  1. The first argument (w0) is the number of arguments passed
  2. The second argument (x1) is a pointer to an array of arguments (strings)
  3. The first string in the list of arguments is the program name itself.
  4. Arguments start from the second item in the list of arguments.

Note: The array is an external pointer array. Each item of the array is a pointer to a string.

Example (c):


// argc (w0) : count of arguments
// argv (x1) : pointer to an array of pointers to arguments (strings)
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
        register int i = 1;

        while(i < argc) {
                printf("argument %d = %s\n", i, argv[i]);
        return 0;
/*******************  Output should be similar to:  ********
argument 1 = <arg1>
argument 2 = <arg2>
argument 3 = <arg3>

19.2. ASCII to Integer (atoi) function

The atoi function is used to convert a string (in ASCII code) to the integer it represents. e.g.: "1234" -> 1234

Example (c) :

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
        register int i = atoi(" -9885");     /* i = -9885 */
        printf("i = %d\n",i);
        return 0;
/*******************  Output should be similar to:  ********
i = -9885

Example (Assembly) :

str_num:        .string " -9885"
str_fmt:        .string "i = %d\n"

                .global main
                .balign 4
main:            stp    x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
                mov    x29, sp

                // register int i = atoi(" -9885");
                ldr     x0, =str_num
                bl      atoi
                mov     w21, w0

                // printf("i = %d\n",i);
                mov     x0, =str_fmt
                mov     w1, w21
                bl      printf

exit:            mov    x0, 0
                ldp    x29, x30, [sp], 16

19.3. Using atoi() with command line arguments

All command line arguments are strings (Even if the user enters a number).

Use the atoi function to convert numeric strings to integers.

Example (c): Program to add two numbers passed as command line arguments.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
        register int num1 = atoi(argv[1]);
        register int num2 = atoi(argv[2]);
        printf("Sum = %d\n", num1 + num2);
str_fmt:        .string "Sum = %d\n"

                define(num1_r, w22)
                define(num2_r, w23)
                define(base_r, x20)
                define(index_r, w21)

                .global main
                .balign 4
main:            stp    x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
                mov    x29, sp
                mov     base_r, x1

                mov     index_r, 1
                ldr     x0, [base_r, index_r, SXTW 3]
                bl      atoi
                mov     num1_r, w0

                mov     index_r, 2
                ldr     x0, [base_r, index_r, SXTW 3]
                bl      atoi
                mov     num2_r, w0

                ldr     x0, =str_fmt
                add     w1, num1_r, num2_r
                bl      printf
exit:            mov    x0, 0
                ldp    x29, x30, [sp], 16

19.4. Exercise

Write a calculator program in assembly that can either add or subtract two numbers. The input is given through the command line arguments. as follows:

  1. argument 1 : First number
  2. argument 2 : "+" or "-"
  3. argument 3 : Second number
$ ./my_calculator   14 + 25
Result = 39

$ ./my_calculator   14 - 25
Result = -11

Hint: For comparing a register to the ascii value of a character use : cmp $w23, '-'

int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
        register int num1 = atoi(argv[1]);
        register int num2 = atoi(argv[3]);
        register char operation = argv[2][0];

        if (operation == '+') {
                printf("Result = %d\n", num1 + num2);
        } else if (operation == '-') {
                printf("Result = %d\n", num1 - num2);
        return 0;

Session 20: Revise & Practice

Session 21: I/O

21.1. System I/O

In linux all I/O devices such as networks, disks, mouse, keyboard are modeled as files, and all input and output is performed by reading and writing the appropriate files. Files can be opened in linux using system calls (Kernal functions). The kernal ensures safe and secure access to the requested file.

System Call

System call is like a subroutine call to execute privileged functions (such as opening a file). This is done by the svc instruction.

x8 Service Request Documentation
56 openat
57 close
63 read
64 write

Steps to perform System I/O:

  1. Open file - Open the file for the system I/O that you wish to perform using the openat system call.
  2. Read/Write file - Read/Write bytes from the file using the read or write system call.
  3. Close File - Disconnects device (If needed) or any other cleanup if needed using the close system call.

File descriptor is a handle to an opened file for a process.

21.2. Reading/Writing a file

Step 1. Open the file

int fd = openat(int dirfd, const char *pathname, int flags, mode_t mode);
  • dirfd - Directory file description relative from where the file needs to be opened. Set this to AT_FDCWD (the value -100) if the path is relative to the current working directory.
  • pathname - Path of the file to be opened.
  • flags - Settings with which to open the file. Multiple setings are combined using the or ( | ) operator. Each setting is specified using a constant value.
    • File operations needed. Choose exactly one of these.
      Constant Value Description
      O_RDONLY 00 Read-Only Access
      O_WRONLY 01 Write-Only Access
      O_RDWR 02 Read/Write Access
    • Optional Flags. Can select multiple.
      Constant Value Description
      O_CREAT 00100 Create file if it doesn't exist
      O_EXCL 00200 Fail if file exists
      O_TRUNC 01000 Truncate an existing
      O_APPEND 02000 Append to the file
  • mode - Unix permission mode for the newly created file (If created). Use 0666 in octal for read/write permission only to the owner (The user creating the file).

Step 2. Read/Write File

// Rading 
int bytes_read = read(int fd, void *buf, size_t count);
// Writing
int bytes_write = write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count);
  • fd - Opened file's file descriptor
  • buf - Address of where to read/write data inside the process' memory.
  • count - Number of bytes to read/write
  • Return Val - Actual number of bytes read/wrote.

Step 3. Close File

int success = close(int fd);
  • fd - Opened file's file descriptor to close.

Example 1 (c) - Writing an int to a binary file

#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main() {
        // Step 1. Open file
        register int fd = openat(AT_FDCWD, "input.bin", O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0666);
        int value;
        register int bytes_write;

        if (fd == -1) {
                printf("Cannot open input.bin file for writing!\n");
                return -1;

        // Step 2. Write 4 bytes to file
        value = 1234;
        bytes_write = write(fd, &value, 4);   // sizeof(value) -> 4
        printf("Written %d bytes to file\n", bytes_write);

        // Step 3. Close file

        return 0;

Example 1 (asm) - Writing an int to a binary file

str_filename:   .string "input.bin"
str_openfail:   .string "Cannot open input.bin file for writing!\n"
str_written:    .string "Written %d bytes to file\n"

                // Syscall codes
                define(syscall_openat, 56)
                define(syscall_close, 57)
                define(syscall_read, 63)
                define(syscall_write, 64)

                // File Open Constants
                define(AT_FDCWD, -100)
                define(O_RDWR, 02)
                define(O_CREAT, 00100)

                // Function macros
                define(fd_r, w25)
                define(bytes_write_r, w26)
                alloc = -(16 + 4) & -16
                value_s = 16

                .balign 4
                .global main
main:           stp     x29, x30, [sp, main_alloc]!
                mov     x29, sp

                // Step 1. Open file
                mov     w0, AT_FDCWD
                ldr     x1, =str_filename
                mov     w2, (O_RDWR | O_CREAT)
                mov     w3, 0666
                mov     x8, syscall_openat
                svc     0
                mov     fd_r, w0

                // Check if there was error
                cmp     fd_r, 0
                ldr     x0, =str_openfail
                bl      printf
                mov     w0, -1
                b       main_return

                // value = 1234;
                mov     w19, 1234
                str     w19, [x29, value_s]

                // Step 2. Write value to file
                mov     w0, fd_r
                add     x1, x29, value_s
                mov     w2, 4
                mov     x8, syscall_write
                svc     0
                mov     bytes_write_r, w0

                // Print bytes written
                ldr     x0, =str_written
                mov     w1, bytes_write_r
                bl      printf

                // Step 3. Close File
                mov     w0, fd_r
                mov     x8, syscall_close
                svc     0

main_return:    ldp     x29, x30, [sp], -main_alloc

21.3. Exercise

Write a program to read an int (4 bytes) from a binary file - input.bin

Session 22: Floating Point Numbers

22.1. Floating Point Registers

  • Floating point numbers are processed only using the floating point registers.
  • d8-d15 are callee saved registers
  • d0-d7 and d16-d31 may be overwritten by subroutines.
  • d0-d7 are used to pass floating point arguments into a function

Table: Operand name for differently sized floats

Precision Size (bits) Name
Half 16 Hn
Single 32 Sn
Double 64 Dn

Figure: Arrangement of floating-point values


Use .single or .double pseudo-ops to allocate and initialize

a_m:            .single         0r5.0                   // 4 bytes
b_m:            .double         0r5.33e-18              // 8 bytes
array_m:        .single         0r2.5,  0r3.5,  0r4.5   // 4*3 bytes

22.2. Floating Point Arithmetic

Loading and Storing FP registers

ldr     s0, [base_r, offset_r]  // Loads 4 bytes
str     d1, [x29, 16]           // Stores 8 bytes

Basic Floating Point Instructions

// Addition
fadd    s1, s2, s3              // s1 = s2 + s3

// Subtraction
fsub    s1, s2, s3              // s1 = s2 - s3

// Mutliplication
fmul    s1, s2, s3              // s1 = s2 * s3

// Multiply negative
fnmul   s1, s2, s3              // s1 = -(s2 * s3)

// Division
fdiv    s1, s2, s3              // s1 = s2 / s3

// Multiply Add
fmadd   s1, s2, s3, s4          // s1 = s4 + (s2 * s3)

// Multiply Subtract
fmsub   s1, s2, s3, s4          // s1 = s4 - (s2 * s3)

// Absolute value
fabs    s1, s2                  // s1 = abs(s2)

// Negation
fneg    s1, s2                  // s1 = -s2

// Move register <- register
fmov    s1, s2                  // s1 = s2

// Move register <- immediate
fmov    s1, 0.25                // s1 = 0.25

// Conversion
fcvt    s1, d2                  // s1 = d2

// Convert Float -> Integer
fcvtns  w1, s2                  // Convert to nearest signed integer
fcvtnu  w1, s2                  // Convert to nearest unsigned integer

// Convert Integer -> Float
scvtf   s1, w2                  // Convert signed integer to float
ucvtf   s1, w2                  // Convert unsigned integer to float

// Compare
fcmp    s1, s2
fcmp    s1, 0.0

Example (asm) : Divide 7.5 by 2.0

x_m:            .double 0r7.5
y_m:            .double 0r2.0
res_m:          .double 0r0.0

                // x = 7.5;
                ldr     x19, =x_m
                ldr     d0, [x19]
                // y = 2.0;
                ldr     x19, =y_m
                ldr     d1, [x19]

                // res = x/y;
                fdiv    d2, d0, d1
                ldr     x19, =res_m
                str     d2, [x19]

22.3. Exercise

Calulate the approximate value of PI $(\pi)$ using the formula. Print PI at each step upto 10 decimal places.

$\frac{\pi}{4} = \frac{1}{1} - \frac{1}{3} + \frac{1}{5} - \frac{1}{7} + \frac{1}{9} \dots$

Solution (c)

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
        register double pi = 0;
        register double den = 1;

        while(1) {
                pi += 1/den;
                den += 2;
                pi -= 1/den;
                den += 2;
                printf("PI = %.10f\n", 4*pi);

Solution (asm)

str_fmt:        .string "PI = %.10f\n"
dzero:          .double 0r0.0

                .global main
                .balign 4

                define(pi_r, d10)
                define(den_r, d11)
                define(one_r, d12)
                define(two_r, d13)
                define(four_r, d14)
main:           stp     x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
                mov     x29, sp

                // Utility constants
                fmov    one_r, 1.0
                fmov    two_r, 2.0
                fmov    four_r, 4.0

                ldr     x19, =dzero
                ldr     pi_r, [x19]
                fmov    den_r, 1.0

loop:           // pi += 1/den; den += 2;
                fdiv    d21, one_r, den_r
                fadd    pi_r, pi_r, d21
                fadd    den_r, den_r, two_r

                // pi -= 1/den; den += 2;
                fdiv    d21, one_r, den_r
                fsub    pi_r, pi_r, d21
                fadd    den_r, den_r, two_r

                // printf("PI = %.10f\n", 4*pi);
                ldr     x0, =str_fmt
                fmul    d0, pi_r, four_r
                bl      printf

                // Repeat forever
                b       loop

exit:           mov     x0, 0
                ldp     x29, x30, [sp], 16